Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Blog page

Well, they say "if at first you don't succeed try and try again." So... here we go, for the 3 of you that actually subscribe to this blog, I am starting a new one on Word press. Hopefully with the easier format I will be more successful in my blogging..

Also: you can follow me in a shorter format on facebook or twitter:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Head in the clouds

I have been looking up lately.
Something great about the fall and winter in Texas is all of the weather. Thunder storms and tornado warnings one day with clear blue skies the next
Lately I have found myself standing in the yard , or a parking lot and just stopping and admiring the beauty that is just floating by above us.
In my life I am at a time of preparing to walk out into some dreams that I have held on to for a long while. Sometimes these dreams seem as illusive as the clouds in the sky, beautiful, but so far away.
So I am taking some of these pictures with me into the studio and beginning to explore the visual images of clouds passing overhead. To capture this beauty and bring it down to earth.
I have just begun, but I will post some of my preliminary sketches soon.